Black Friday 2018 - updated for #fakediscounts
Black Friday is coming! It’s all over social media. – argh!!! So what is Kids Bee Happy doing for Black Friday?...
Closing Scotland's pay gap - WEBINAR by Engender
November 15, 2018, 18.00 – 20.00 Your computer, tablet or phone Book for this event For the past year, Engender and Close the Gap have...
Is Scotland Fairer?
‘Is Scotland Fairer? 2018’ is the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s Scottish standalone supplement to the statutory report on...
Rise of remote working creating new opportunities for women
A recent report from the World Economic Forum named flexible working as one of their drivers for global business transformation. The...
Women-led employee-owned businesses lead the way
The appetite for employee ownership has never been greater. The number of employee–owned businesses in Scotland has trebled in the past...
New LeadwithWES Dates Announced
Women’s Enterprise Scotland working in partnership with Fife Council Economic Development to deliver this third women’s leadership...