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We're Recruiting New Ambassadors

We're looking for women who run their own business to join our prestigious WES role model Ambassador team. This includes applications from women-owned and women-led businesses – businesses where 50% or more of the ownership and/or leadership is held by women.

Our Ambassadors help inspire and encourage other women to shape ideas, start up and grow their own business. We work with our Ambassadors to match their experiences to media interest and spread awareness of their work.

Ambassadors are passionate about helping other women in business and can commit to Ambassador duties (attending training, representing the women's business community at four events per year either locally or nationally, online or in-person).

Training will be given on topics such as:

  • The current position of women’s enterprise in Scotland and globally

  • Critical challenges for women-led business

  • Business support valued by women-led business

  • Presentation skills

  • Engaging with the media

  • Giving Evidence to Parliamentary Committees

Ambassadors across diverse identities and sections of the community provide a range of perspectives and a diverse team of role models. If you have applied before, we would be delighted to hear from you again.

While we are open to applications from all areas and types of businesses, we would especially welcome applications from the following:

  • BAME women

  • Businesses based in South of Scotland, and Highlands and Islands

  • Businesses working with digital technologies

  • Businesses operating from Retail premises

  • Women who have started up in business due to the impacts of Covid-19

If you would like to be considered for the role of Ambassador, or if you'd like to nominate someone who you think would make a great Ambassador, please complete the application form here.

New Ambassadors must be available to attend virtual training in the morning on 11 January 2022.

The deadline for applications is 10 December - so don't delay!






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